
Friday, November 23, 2012


Wednesday, November 21, 2012

"Old school" easy method for fast cash online!

hey guys!

If you're still struggling to make money online,
there are some definite "sure fire" methods that
you can use to get some income flowing fast...

One method that has *always* worked in the past,
and will *continue* to work in the future, is
simply setting up automated email messages in
an autoresponder (such as Aweber), and then
getting people subscribed to your list!

Get them to subscribe by setting up an enticing
FREE offer on a simple web page. Here is one of
the best converting "squeeze pages" of all time,
and look how amazingly simple it is!...

Can you put together a web page that simple,
with a powerful headline for your own free
offer (such as a special report, or software


If you can't do it directly, simply have somebody
else do it for a small fee. You can hire web
designers on Odesk, or even on, who
could set up a squeeze page like the one above
for under $50.

And then, you simply start promoting your page
using either free, or low budget, traffic methods.
For example, you could place banner ads for your
site on other peoples' blogs and websites for a
small agreed upon fee, and once you've built up
a list of 200-300 people that way, you could then
start doing FREE ad swaps with other list owners.

Here's a list of websites that accept banner ads,
though these only apply if your niche is "online
marketing" or similar:

...Usually, you can do some negotiating to get
some super bargains (it's just a matter of being
willing to hunt down the right deals!).

As far as having a banner ad made, you can find
people on to do them for just $5. :)

If you're on a tight budget, you could write
and submit articles to article directories,
participate in popular online forums with a
link to your website attached at the bottom
of each forum post (many forums allow this),
or submit short "tips" videos to a youtube
channel. You could also create a free
blog, and start writing about your niche topic.
(After a while you'll begin getting free search
engine traffic this way.)

Now, as people land on your squeeze page and
join your email list, they should begin receiving
the automated messages that you set up. You could
start with even just a couple messages, such as a
welcome letter on day 1, followed by a paid
affiliate offer on day 2 or 3, followed by some
valuable content (like an article or download)
after that... Rinse and repeat, as you create
automated messages to go out week after week.

You don't ever want to send straight ads, as you
will burn out your list that way. Mix things up
and keep your subscribers happy by sending them
useful content, freebies, and special offers and
promos. (Treat them how you'd want to be treated
if you were your own subscriber!)

...Continue to add to your follow up series as
you find the time. Again, you don't have to have
a long series of messages written up front. You
can write them over time, adding each message
to your automated follow ups as things progress.

Now, what's really great about this method is
that it can easily be COMPLETELY automated once
you have your follow ups written. Going back to
the strategy of placing banner ads, for example,
once a banner ad that links to your squeeze page is
placed on a blog or website that's getting traffic,
it just "sits there" (online), sending you
autopilot traffic day after day!...

And if your squeeze page converts like it should,
that means fresh new leads receiving your follow
up emails day after day - all with ZERO effort on
your part once things are in place.

And fresh leads are the key to making unlimited
cash online! Your subscribers will AUTOMATICALLY
receive your paid offers (such as promos for
affiliate products), in which case you'll make
effortless cash when they take action on a given

This is truly a simple method that you can start
out small (in ANY niche!) with, and scale up until
you're making the kind of monthly income you desire!

I hope this simple, but powerful formula is a big
help to you!

His visitors created 15,000 web pages for him


Here are the notes I took during the Question and Answer Session
with Elad Shippony - the guy who bought a home with his affiliate

Remember Elad? He's the Israeli affiliate who lives in a home
paid for completely by his online earnings. He's been a full-time
affiliate for 9 years.

But first, a message from our trusted Sponsor...


Learn From A Dedicated Super Affiliate

One To One Affiliate Empire Building...


As I was saying...

I took notes during Elad's live Q&A Session.

He has absolutely astounding traffic stats - on a really good
day, nearly 200,000 visitors.

I'm a firm believer in the saying, "Success leaves clues," so I
watched the Q&A session a couple of times.

To save time for busy folk, here are my notes:

  * Elad doesn't have any products of his own.

  * He earns his living mainly from AdSense - says he's not very
  good at earning affiliate commissions.

  * He has 3 family members helping him, 1 full-time, 2 part-

  * On one site, his visitors have created a staggering 15,000
  pages (that's NOT a typo) of articles and photos for him. These
  pages attract most of the site's traffic.

  * How does he encourage visitors to contribute all those web
  pages? By running competitions and giving away prizes.

  * REALLY IMPORTANT: If you want to encourage your visitors to
  generate pages for you, you MUST choose a topic that your
  visitors are ENTHUSIASTIC about. Think about that.

  * He gets a lot of traffic from Google image searches. He
  optimizes the photos to encourage this. Image file names match
  web page names.

  * His main traffic promoting focus now is using Pinterest.

  * He has 3 main sites. The rest are "neglected children".

  * He compares online business building to studying to get a
  degree, except that at the end of three of four years you own
  an online business instead of a degree.

  * To make it easy to get his visitors to create those 15,000
  pages of content for him, he uses Content 2.0. You can learn
  more about Content 2.0 here

During the live interview, Elad went into Google Analytics to a
page showing that more than 1,800 people were on his costumes
site right at that moment. His daily visitor number was MUCH
higher than that. He gets phenomenal daily traffic around
Halloween - just under 200,000 visitors.

Thanks very much for the tips, Elad.

Joanna and I have been discussing this: What would be a good
niche where people are enthusiastic and would create lots of
content for us? I've got think more about that.

You can see ideas and examples of what some affiliates are doing
with Content 2.0 on this page...

If you're skeptical about the tool Elad uses, consider those
15,000 pages and all that traffic... An hour or two spent
studying what Elad is doing would be a wise investment for any
affiliate, whatever your level.

I've added a recording of the Q&A Session at the bottom of the
article I wrote on Elad's success...

Popular articles you may have missed

* Rob's decision to create his own products was a huge turning

* Christine's jewelry making hobby is now a lucrative full-time

* A squeeze page is Step One in Steve's 3-step business model...

* Are you new to affiliate programs?
Start here. It's the Affiliate Program Tutorial I wrote when our
accountant starting asking questions about how we earned our
living - Updated 2012...

Thought for today: Follow your heart

One of my all-time favorite quotes:

"Don't let the noise of others' opinions drown out your own inner
voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart
and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to
become. Everything else is secondary." - Steve Jobs.

All the best

Allan Gardyne

Easy FREE traffic method

Hey guys!!

Today I wanted to share a simple, viral
traffic technique that can send LOADS of
visitors to your website (or affiliate
offer) for FREE...

The method involves creating "memes",
which are typically nothing more than
attention grabbing pictures, with catchy
titles and captions. You've no doubt seen
them all over Facebook.

But perhaps you didn't realize their
traffic pulling POWER - or how SIMPLE
they are to make!

With the right picture, and right caption
(usually a *funny, entertaining* caption),
memes can quickly go viral as people click
the "Share" link that Facebook includes
under the meme (picture) that you post.

The simple key is creating a meme that
people WANT to share with others!

You can have your own meme posted on
your FB page and ready to bring you
viral traffic within MINUTES:

Step 1. Search Google for "free meme
generator" and you'll find plenty of
web based meme creators. Here's just
one of many choices:

Step 2. Create your meme!

Step 3. Post your meme to your Facebook
page with a link to your website above
the meme itself. You can also type in
the link to your website or affiliate
offer within the meme picture.

Sit back and watch as Facebook friends
share your meme on their pages, which
in turn leads to *other* Facebook users
sharing on their page... And so on!

Some memes will bomb, but no worries -
just keep testing until you hit on one
that goes viral and brings you a TON of

One final HUGE tip is that you can Google
"popular memes" to see which are most likely
to go viral. You can then take queues from
those, and apply them to your own memes.

Good luck!!

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Inspiring Quote

“The consequences of today are determined by the actions of the past. To change your future, alter your decisions today.” 

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Inspiring Quote

   We don’t stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.

    ― George Bernard Shaw

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Novembers line dancing

“Now you have 2 Places to Line Dance!”
*Monday Nights in GALEWOOD*
Hosted by "Miss DELISA"
6810 West North Ave, Chicago IL (Oak Park Ave and North)
Time: 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm - Admission: $5.00

Pulse Dance Studio Berwyn
Hosted by "Miss ANGIE"
6800 Cermak Road, Berwyn IL
(Oak Park Ave and Cermak Road) just across from Burger King)
Time: 1:00 pm to 2:30 pm - Admission: $5.00

All the November Dancers & and many more!!!

·        Time: 1:00 pm to 2:30 pm

and all the trimmings: 
(Spaghetti, String Beans, Coleslaw, Bread, Desert and a Drink) 
 2101 South 12th Street, Maywood, IL
Contact “Miss Laura” to place your orders at

·        Sunday, December 16th – (See Miss Laura)
      1. Pierre’s Banquet Hall, 3237 S. Harlem Ave, Berwyn IL 60402 
·      Tickets - $50.00

*Don't forget you can purchase CD $5.00 or DVD $10.00 (Buy 2 DVD's & get 1 FREE)
  Come on out for some fun and chit-chat.................!
Know someone, who is not getting the email reminders?  Just send me their info and I'll make sure their names are added to the distribution.
Gha, Gha, Gha, for now and see you on the dance floor.............
 Patrice Bolton, aka Administrator


THE ADDRESS IS 5025 WEST 25TH STREET -- SUN NOV 11 -- 6-10PM ---$10 --- 

1955 Vintage Ad

The ad copy reads:
This young man is 11 months old – and he isn’t our youngest customer by any means.
For 7-Up is so pure, so wholesome, you can even give it to babies and feel good about it.  Look at the back of a 7-Up bottle.  Notice that all our ingredients are listed.  (That isn’t required of soft drinks, you know – but we’re proud to do it and we think you’re pleased that we do.)
By the way, Mom, when it comes to toddlers – if they like to be coaxed to drink their milk, try this:  Add 7-Up to the milk in equal parts, pouring the 7-Up gently into the milk.  It’s a wholesome combination – and it works!  Make 7-Up your family drink.  You like it  . . . it likes you!
While there’s a similar ad floating around the Internet that’s most definitely a fake, I believe this one is legit.  (I found a copy in the Duke University online archive, among other places.)
I’d like to say a lot has changed since this ad came out, but I’m sure I’m not alone in occasionally spotting a toddler with a plastic soda bottle at his or her mouth.  At least soda companies are no longer pitching their drinks to parents as wholesome baby fare.  That’s progress, I guess.

It's 1955 at the Seven-up headquarters someone in the advertisement department came up with this brilliant idea. Captioning the beauty of a baby drinking 7up using the slogan; “7up is so great, even babies like it!” They felt since it was so good that mothers would give 7up to their kids instead of formula. After much research they say the 11 month old child isn’t even their youngest customer of 7up!
This ad promotes and list all the ingredients are pure and wholesome for children. Now, on the other hand is it good for babies? Some parents would like to thinks so. Researcher came across one parent who felt the need to suggest if a child doesn’t drink milk try mixing the 7up and milk together and this would be healthy for the child. Some parents strongly disagree with this suggestion!
            In addition, 7up doesn’t speak about the overall advantages and disadvantages of drinking 7up. Think a about it! While the 11 month old child in this vintage ad is enjoying the beverage; a couple of months later the child will have and is starting a history of dental problems. This is the start to early addictions in children; as well as the sugar rush and cavities this is the beginning of a disaster.
This sugary soft drink is even great for adults, but sodas advertisements from 1955 would have you to believe that this drink would help your child grow up big and strong! Nowadays, America is big on childhood obesity: which I believe is linked hand and hand with soda intake. Drinking all of this sugar is shortening the lifespans of our young boys and girls.  Giving our children sugar diabetes at a young age!
As we fast forward to the future 2012 and using this kind of advertisement. We as America would be pushing ourselves under a bus because we all are obese in some shape or form. As we too drink a lot of these sugary soft drinks! America First Lady Michelle Obama, stresses the point that we as Americans need to get our act together and gain control of our children on the road to obesity.
However, I think this was a great ad to publish by showing that 7up is so great that even babies can drink it. Using the slogan "nothing does it like sever-up", also promotes the enjoyment of this produce. This beautiful baby reaching out for the product make you want to spend your money and try the product. Also, a great way they advertised this product was to encourage the customers to look on the back of the label and seeing for themselves how great this product is. After it’s all said and done, looking at the benefits of drinking this sugary soft drink is this really a great produce for our children to enjoy?

Spirit Airlines Ripoff

Spirit Airlines empowers customers to save money on air travel by offering ultra low base fares with a range of optional services for a fee, allowing customers the freedom to choose only the extras they value. This innovative approach grows the traveling market and stimulates new economic activity while creating new jobs. Spirit's modern fleet, configuration and other innovations enable Spirit to burn less fuel per seat than competitors, making Spirit the most environmentally-friendly U.S. carrier. Spirit’s all-Airbus fleet currently operates flights throughout the U.S., Latin America and Caribbean.
Obviously they are proud to have broken the rules and created arguably the best airline in the Americas (so they claim). I have purchased tickets from this company before. I have enjoyed their products, features and service. Nevertheless, I even signed up with their yearly membership. Within this membership called the $9 Fare Club offering all of their members exclusive travel deals, not only in the US but all over the Americas.
Which includes exclusive access to Member only Low Fares, and savings of up to $120 per customer in bag fees (One customer roundtrip with a carry-on bag and 5 checked bags). Now this is an annual membership to the $9 Fare Club is only $59.95!!!!! Now, while all of that would be fine and great! However, someone, somewhere forgot to mention the additional fee associated with Spirit airfare. Let me continue with their misleading ventures. I tried to purchase an airline ticket last night from Chicago IL to Phoenix AZ my ticket was $68 round trip for 1 person. However, I’m traveling with an additional 3 people so my total (so I thought) was $272 and from their words “Fares listed are per person, are non-refundable and include all taxes and fees.”. I thought taxes were including (so I thought).
When I continued with my purchase, I almost fainted when I saw the actual fees themselves. Spirit airlines charges $25 for a carry on bag, $20 for a checked bag, $50 for 2 checked bag, $125 for 3, $200 for 4, and $200 for 5 checked bag. Oh and did I mention these fees are for departure and arrivals, so your times every times the amount of people going. Example 4 bag leaving (departure) is $80 and returning (arrival) is $80 which is a grand total of $160 in addition to the airfare.
Now not only are they charging me for how many bags I check, I’m also getting charged for the seat that I sit in which is $25 near the caption, $18, $14, and $10 for the seats in the rear! Even using the cheapest seat available it’s still $10 per person going (departure $40) and returning (arrival $40)! Not to forget I also have to pay for the membership ($59 per year) and in this case it provides me with nothing! By the time I finished with my reservation my tickets were $738.27 including this new government tax “cut” that was $101.48. Plus it’s $56 for travel insurance, bringing my new total to $794.27.
I feel this is unfair, unacceptable, and without the insurance Spirit will not return your money and they will try and keep all monies. Also I couldn’t even use their own voucher and credits; nor could I use their own promotional codes feature that was given on their website. The website doesn’t work for the so called $9 members. I mean this is truly ridiculous!
Their advertisement is and has been misleading to consumers everywhere and you can find the companies 135 complaints on  My experience with this company was horrible, misleading and I wouldn’t recommend anyone to travel with Spirit Airlines!