
Friday, August 24, 2012

Check this out

So i got this email and I thought I should pass it along!!

The ability to check in on a baby is something that every parent needs. The peace of mind that comes from knowing if your baby is sleeping or happily playing in their crib is priceless. But what about when you need to go out of range of the baby monitor? How can you still achieve the same peace of mind that you can get when you’re at home? Our client believes that they have found the answer.
If you are the parent of a child less than one-year-old and you own an Apple iPad, iPhone, or iPod Touch, we want you to help us test a revolutionary baby monitor. However, you must be running iOS 5.x on your device and you also need to have a wireless network set up in your home. We are also only seeking testers who currently live in the United States.
We need those who are eager to explore this new device and who can commit the time and effort to truly measure how its performance improves their peace of mind when it comes to their children. If you have a willingness to test over the next few weeks and feel that you qualify for this opportunity, please feel free to apply so that you can be considered for this unique beta test.
The Centercode Beta Test Team

Please click the following link to apply for this test:

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